Past Programs

January 14 and 25; February 11 and 25, 2020
The Sacred Land and Ecosystem of Dayspring
Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high
We all love the sacred land of Dayspring. But what do we know about the ecosystems of this sacred land? Hear the “back story” of our Water, Earth-geology, Fields, Trees, Birds and Fauna.
The Sacred Land and Ecosystem of Dayspring
Fireside chats by zoom, 7 - 8:30 PM
Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high
has visited us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:78-79
We all love the sacred land of Dayspring. But what do we know about the ecosystems of this sacred land? Hear the “back story” of our Water, Earth-geology, Fields, Trees, Birds and Fauna.
March 29 2-4 PM Workshop for Faith and Money Network and the Memphis Seminary
Coming Down to Earth: Finding our Place in the Great Economy
Presenters - Jim Hall, Earth Ministry and Jean Brown, Earthen Hands Ministry at Dayspring
How can we begin to live within the reality that our human economy can only exist and thrive within the larger economy of the Earth -- the reality that endless economic growth cannot happen on a finite planet? Today this question grows more and more urgent as we witness the devastation of Earth’s health, beauty and diversity, the impending collapse of our climate, and the growing injustice and fragility of our political and social systems.
In this workshop we ponder this question as we visually experience the land, surprised anew by the mystery and dream of the Creator in field and forest, pond and creek valley -- as we visit a simple living project, permaculture gardens, solar powered pottery studio featuring fair trade gifts -- we ask ourselves: what is our small yet beautiful place in this wondrous world and its economy?
In this workshop we ponder this question as we visually experience the land, surprised anew by the mystery and dream of the Creator in field and forest, pond and creek valley -- as we visit a simple living project, permaculture gardens, solar powered pottery studio featuring fair trade gifts -- we ask ourselves: what is our small yet beautiful place in this wondrous world and its economy?
Presenters - Jim Hall, Earth Ministry and Jean Brown, Earthen Hands Ministry at Dayspring
September 10-11, 2021 Retreat at Rolling Ridge
Pilgrimage on the Wild Earth: Finding Holy Ground in a Time of Unknowing
A soul and nature retreat
September 10, 7-9 PM on zoom at home
September 11, 10 AM to 5 PM on the land at Rolling Ridge
Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold.
By day, from the surrounding woods,
In this time when the center cannot be found on the outside, mythic storyteller Michael Meade says it has to be found on the inside. On this retreat we will seek to find that sacred center inside us as we walk the land at Rolling Ridge, rich in possibility of numinous encounter with the holy.
We will carry with us in our backpacks these beautiful questions:
How are we being shown what can sustain us and even allow us to thrive in a time of uncertainty, unknowing, and continuing chaos?
How can we find the holy ground within us?
How can we be deeply, viscerally connected with and companioned by the Wild in this time of ongoing storm and planetary peril?
The retreat will begin on Friday evening in our own homes with a session by zoom from 7-9 PM when we will introduce the theme, share stories of how our hearts have been opened to the holy in both suffering and joy in this pandemic time, and be invited into ceremonial time and the mystery of dreams.
On Saturday we will gather together on the land at Rolling Ridge from 10 AM to 5 PM for a generous time of wandering in solitude, for story and poetry, art and circle dance, ceremony and song. We will close our day with a sacred wisdom circle.
This program is for people of all faiths and all those seeking to know the beauty and wisdom of the sacred Earth.
Retreat Leaders: Jim Hall,Cheryl Hellner, and Lindsay McLaughlin longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
The Saturday portion of the retreat will be held outdoors at Rolling Ridge, a 1400-acre tract of wild forest near Harpers Ferry, WV. Access is by private vehicle only. The last mile is over a gravel mountain road. Please plan to arrive at 9:30 AM so we can start promptly at 10 AM. Park at the Study Retreat Center where bathrooms will be available. You are responsible for bringing your own food and water and clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather. In the event of light or intermittent rain, the program will take place. You must be fully vaccinated to participate in this retreat.
Cost for program is $50
Spaces are limited. Register early. To register, contact Lindsay McLaughlin at lindsay.mclaughlin66@gmail.com
Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold.
Death’s great black wing scrapes the air,
Misery gnaws to the bone.
Why then do we not despair?
By day, from the surrounding woods,
Cherries blow summer into town;
At night the deep transparent skies
Glitter with new galaxies,
And the miraculous comes so close
To the ruined, dirty houses --
Something not known to anyone at all,
But wild in our breast for centuries. - Anna Akhmatova
In this time when the center cannot be found on the outside, mythic storyteller Michael Meade says it has to be found on the inside. On this retreat we will seek to find that sacred center inside us as we walk the land at Rolling Ridge, rich in possibility of numinous encounter with the holy.
We will carry with us in our backpacks these beautiful questions:
How are we being shown what can sustain us and even allow us to thrive in a time of uncertainty, unknowing, and continuing chaos?
How can we find the holy ground within us?
How can we be deeply, viscerally connected with and companioned by the Wild in this time of ongoing storm and planetary peril?
The retreat will begin on Friday evening in our own homes with a session by zoom from 7-9 PM when we will introduce the theme, share stories of how our hearts have been opened to the holy in both suffering and joy in this pandemic time, and be invited into ceremonial time and the mystery of dreams.
On Saturday we will gather together on the land at Rolling Ridge from 10 AM to 5 PM for a generous time of wandering in solitude, for story and poetry, art and circle dance, ceremony and song. We will close our day with a sacred wisdom circle.
This program is for people of all faiths and all those seeking to know the beauty and wisdom of the sacred Earth.
Retreat Leaders: Jim Hall,Cheryl Hellner, and Lindsay McLaughlin longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
The Saturday portion of the retreat will be held outdoors at Rolling Ridge, a 1400-acre tract of wild forest near Harpers Ferry, WV. Access is by private vehicle only. The last mile is over a gravel mountain road. Please plan to arrive at 9:30 AM so we can start promptly at 10 AM. Park at the Study Retreat Center where bathrooms will be available. You are responsible for bringing your own food and water and clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather. In the event of light or intermittent rain, the program will take place. You must be fully vaccinated to participate in this retreat.
Cost for program is $50
Spaces are limited. Register early. To register, contact Lindsay McLaughlin at lindsay.mclaughlin66@gmail.com

Holy Ground [Collage]. Doug Van Houten©
used by permission
used by permission
September 13-15, 2019 -- Retreat at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat
Finding the Gold in the Darkness: The Way of Soul in Troubled Times
When the common institutions collapse and the usual cultural containers break, our role is to recover the true spirit for living and help reveal the underlying wholeness of life --- Michael Meade
We live in a time of intense turmoil -- social, political, and planetary. But the deeper disturbance is at the level of soul. We have lost the capacity to face the darkness without falling into despair or denial. But the ancient wisdom of all our spiritual traditions says that if we can turn toward the darkness, we will be amazed and transformed by what we find there. We will find gold.
On this retreat we step into this mystery of finding the gold in the darkness. We wander in solitude in the mystical enchanted world of nature, seeking to be met by raven and hawk, ancient rock and rushing brook. We attend to our nighttime dreams and the dreaming of Earth herself and we immerse ourselves in stories, poetry and art, and gather for ceremony, for sacred dance and song, and for circles of shared wisdom.
Do not lose heart. We were made for these times. --- Clarissa Piknola Estes
We live in a time of intense turmoil -- social, political, and planetary. But the deeper disturbance is at the level of soul. We have lost the capacity to face the darkness without falling into despair or denial. But the ancient wisdom of all our spiritual traditions says that if we can turn toward the darkness, we will be amazed and transformed by what we find there. We will find gold.
On this retreat we step into this mystery of finding the gold in the darkness. We wander in solitude in the mystical enchanted world of nature, seeking to be met by raven and hawk, ancient rock and rushing brook. We attend to our nighttime dreams and the dreaming of Earth herself and we immerse ourselves in stories, poetry and art, and gather for ceremony, for sacred dance and song, and for circles of shared wisdom.
This program is for people of all faiths and all those seeking to know the beauty and wisdom of the sacred Earth.Retreat Leaders: Jim Hall, and Cheryl Hellner, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years. This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins at 5 pm on Friday (people are encouraged to arrive between 3 and 4:30 to settle in gently) and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat will be determined soon and includes lodging, six meals, and program. Two people registering together and choosing to share a room may pay a reduced fee, and camping further reduces the fee. Scholarships are available. For more information email lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com. To register go tohttp://rollingridge.net/gold_darkness/

Thursday Evenings, March 28 - May 23, 2019
Sacred Circles: Nourishing the Space Between Us
Whatever is going on in God is a flow that's like a dance. God is not just the dancer. God is the dance itself. -- Fr. Richard Rohr
The reign of God is in your midst/is among you. -- Luke 17:21
The difficulty we come up against in our work together, in our attempts to build community, is that we do not know how to think like a village. -- Francis Weller, in Living a Soulful Life and Why it Matters
What does it look like to, "Think like a village?" In eight Gatherings on Thursday evenings this Spring we will nourish the space between us through poetry, stories, songs, dances, ritual and ceremony and time in nature. Themes we will reflect on will include: coming from gratitude, beguiled by beauty, sacred imagination, loss and sorrow -- finding the gold in the darkness, intrinsic hope, becoming a true elder, and facing new experiences and the unknown.
What does it look like to, "Think like a village?" In eight Gatherings on Thursday evenings this Spring we will nourish the space between us through poetry, stories, songs, dances, ritual and ceremony and time in nature. Themes we will reflect on will include: coming from gratitude, beguiled by beauty, sacred imagination, loss and sorrow -- finding the gold in the darkness, intrinsic hope, becoming a true elder, and facing new experiences and the unknown.
Gatherings will be from 7:30 to 9:00 PM , and after the first one on March 28, will be preceded by dinner at 6:30. There will be no class during Holy Week (April 18). These Gatherings will be led by Cheryl Hellner and Jim Hall from the Earth Ministry mission group. They have been teaching and leading retreats together at Dayspring since 1983.

January 19 - 21, 2018
Winter Light: Returning Home to a Place of Deep Belonging
at the Wellspring Conference Center at Dayspring, Germantown, MD
Winter invites us to notice the low angle of the sun casting long shadows, to feel the prick of cold, to make careful footsteps over the frosty ground. We wander slowly among the frozen grasses and the trees, listening for winter’s strange wild songs, for the story the land is telling, for the dream it carries. We wonder that we have fallen out of an ancient love affair with Earth herself. We know the time for return and repair has come.
Winter invites us to notice the low angle of the sun casting long shadows, to feel the prick of cold, to make careful footsteps over the frosty ground. We wander slowly among the frozen grasses and the trees, listening for winter’s strange wild songs, for the story the land is telling, for the dream it carries. We wonder that we have fallen out of an ancient love affair with Earth herself. We know the time for return and repair has come.
Winter also invites us to gather around the warm glow of the hearth fire, immerse ourselves in the old stories, the ancient myths that help us shed our illusions of separation and awaken us to the deeper belonging that has always been there.
On this retreat, through time in nature, gathered times of ceremony, and soulful conversation, we will immerse ourselves in the world of myth and deep imagination looking for wisdom that can shift cultural consciousness in this time of turmoil and transformation.
This program is for people of all faiths and for those who might call themselves spiritual but not religious.
Retreat Leaders: Julie Gabrielli, Jim Hall, and Cheryl Hellner, share a fascination with the power of story to heal, reconnect, and create our world. We bring years of dedicated study and leadership in the areas of spirituality and nature, the arts, and sustainable living.

March 9, 2018
Contemplative Earth Prayer
Workshop for Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation Program
Contemplative Earth prayer is about seeing God in all things and seeing all things in God, deepening our awareness of God in nature.
As we wander in the natural world we enter into a prayer that is already happening. The natural world is not just a backdrop for prayer, but the prayer itself. In this way of prayer we restore our ancient citizenship in the sacred world around us, a world that greets us, welcomes us home.
In this workshop we experience this prayer as we walk on the land, as we engage our bodies with the body of the Earth, as we bring images to a four seasons wheel and reflect on how the natural world mirrors our inner world. We share stories of our experiences of the wildness and mystery of God as we have encountered it in deep forests, vast deserts, mountains, and in backyards, parks, and gardens where we live.
For participants in the year-long Shalem Institute program Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats.

March 31 7-8:30 PM
Earth Vigil Outdoors on the land at Dayspring (on the eve of Easter)
In the midst of all that breaks our hearts in our world today, we come together, from different spiritual traditions, to keep watch, to sing and chant, to dance and pray, to walk in silence and devotion, as we keep a vigil for the healing of the human family and the healing of Earth.
All ages are welcome. Gather at the Farmhouse. Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight for returning to your car. The vigil closes with the lighting of the Easter fire, followed by conversation and light refreshments.
For more information: call Dayspring Earth Ministry 301-916-4827

Sunday, May 6 , noon to 1:30 pm
Spring Wildflower Walk
Join us for a Spring Wildflower walk at Dayspring Creek after worship on Sunday May 6. We will leave at noon from the Farmhouse and return by 1:30pm. Bring a snack to eat ahead of time if you wish. The walk is a little over a mile round-trip. The trail is steep in some places, rough and rocky in other places. Among the flowers we expect to see are wild columbine and rue anemone.

Tuesday, June 19, at 7:00 pm
Summer Solstice Ceremony
Though we'll just be entering the throes of summer from a calendar perspective, during this Summer Solstice time the Earth will be shifting to a time of shortening days. It's a reminder for us to pause, take a breath, and focus on the rest of life that will also be experiencing this change. You're invited to gather together with us to formally and peacefully express our gratitude for all of the precious life on this wonderful planet that we live on.
We'll be meeting at Dayspring Church Farmhouse at 7:00 pm and then slowly & intentionally walking down into lushness of the creek valley. Once there, we will be sharing the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address. There will be time for silence both before and after the address. All, including children, are very welcome.
We'll be meeting at Dayspring Church Farmhouse at 7:00 pm and then slowly & intentionally walking down into lushness of the creek valley. Once there, we will be sharing the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address. There will be time for silence both before and after the address. All, including children, are very welcome.

September 14-16
The Mystery of Mentoring: Helping a Lost Culture find its Way
A Retreat at Rolling Ridge, West Virginia
"The courage needed for everyone to live life fully depends on the dreams of young people, but also on the vision of elders. Both are essential" -- Michael Meade
In this weekend program we will carry that question: where is Mentor, where is Athena? Where is the one who will nourish the dreams of youth and empower them to live fully into who they were born to be and into the gift that is theirs alone to give?
We believe that the wisdom of mentoring can appear at any age. Even in a child we may recognize the presence of an Old One. In this program we call forth Mentor, that archetypal energy that lies hidden beneath surface reality, that we might both be mentored and also become mentors to others.
On this retreat we reweave our connection to nature and soul by wandering in the mystical, enchanted world of nature, seeking to be met by raven and hawk, ancient rock and rushing brook. We attend to our night-time dreams, immerse ourselves in stories, poetry and art, and gather for ceremony, for sacred dance and song, and for circles of shared wisdom.
Retreat leaders Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner are longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat and have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins at 5pm on Friday (people are encouraged to arrive between 3 and 4:30 to settle in gently) and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Cost for the retreat which includes lodging, six meals, and program, is $298 for a single room, $248 for a shared room (come with a friend or a partner) and $218 camping (bring your own tent). Scholarships are available. For information and to register email lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com or visit www.rollingridge.net.
"The courage needed for everyone to live life fully depends on the dreams of young people, but also on the vision of elders. Both are essential" -- Michael Meade
At the beginning of the old story called the Odyssey, the fair land of Ithaca is in turmoil. The King, Odysseus, is long lost on the wine-dark sea. His young son, Prince Telemachus, left with fear and grief, is powerless to stop the fierce infighting and wasteful extravagance of his mother's suitors. One evening, at supper, in the midst of the debacle, a visitor appears, and Telemachus asks why he has come. He says he is Mentor, come with ships and crew to see if his old friend Odysseus has returned. But really this is Athena come in the guise of Mentor to encourage Telemachus to confront the suitors, and then set sail in search for clues of his father's return.
It is said that old stories like this one, old mythic stories, live on through the centuries. Could this mythic story be living today in our time of unraveling of culture and nature? And if so, where is Athena, where is Mentor, coming to meet us?
In this weekend program we will carry that question: where is Mentor, where is Athena? Where is the one who will nourish the dreams of youth and empower them to live fully into who they were born to be and into the gift that is theirs alone to give?
We believe that the wisdom of mentoring can appear at any age. Even in a child we may recognize the presence of an Old One. In this program we call forth Mentor, that archetypal energy that lies hidden beneath surface reality, that we might both be mentored and also become mentors to others.
On this retreat we reweave our connection to nature and soul by wandering in the mystical, enchanted world of nature, seeking to be met by raven and hawk, ancient rock and rushing brook. We attend to our night-time dreams, immerse ourselves in stories, poetry and art, and gather for ceremony, for sacred dance and song, and for circles of shared wisdom.
This program is for people of all faiths and for those who might call themselves spiritual but not religious.
Retreat leaders Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner are longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat and have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins at 5pm on Friday (people are encouraged to arrive between 3 and 4:30 to settle in gently) and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Cost for the retreat which includes lodging, six meals, and program, is $298 for a single room, $248 for a shared room (come with a friend or a partner) and $218 camping (bring your own tent). Scholarships are available. For information and to register email lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com or visit www.rollingridge.net.

Saturday, September 22 at 6:30 pm
Autumn Equinox Ceremony
Come join us as we take time at the Autumn Equinox to give thanks for the many beautiful aspects of the natural world here at Dayspring. As the season turns from the exuberance of summer to the time of harvest and letting go, we mark this passage with ceremony.
We will meet at the Farmhouse at 6:30pm and then walk in silence through field and forest. We will be sharing the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address with time for silence both before and after the address. Children are most welcome.
For questions or to let us know you’ll be coming, please contact:Jim or Cheryl at 301-916-4827

October 6
Solar House Tour
Simple Gifts Cottages and Greenhouse at Dayspring
Saturday, October 6 from 11am - 5 pm
Grace, beauty, and ecological integrity. These are the principles embodied in the Earth Ministry Simple Gifts project at Dayspring. This project has arisen out of a passion to explore ways of living more simply, justly, and in harmony with the Earth.
The Simple Gifts project includes two staff cottages and a solar, straw-bale greenhouse. Each cottage is 1250 square feet, and is designed to provide a well-crafted and energy-efficient home for a couple or a small family. The cottages have accomplished this in different ways; between them they include the following features: passive solar heating and cooling, well-insulated walls and roof (structural insulated panels/ blown cellulose), top energy efficient windows and appliances, insulating window shades, living roof, FSC-certified framing lumber, geothermal heating and cooling, grid-tied and grid-independent photovoltaic panels, solar hot water, masonry heater, oak and cherry trim from trees on the land, earth plaster and milk paint wall finishes, stained concrete slab floors, bamboo floors, fiber-cement composite siding and trim, roof water collection and landscaping with native plants. Integration of these features and "simple living" practices have resulted in these cottages being nearly zero-energy homes and a delight to live in.
The solar, straw-bale, year-round greenhouse and permaculture gardens demonstrate one approach to meeting the need for healthy, nourishing, locally grown food. The greenhouse incorporates stone, wood, and clay from the land.
The Simple Gifts project includes two staff cottages and a solar, straw-bale greenhouse. Each cottage is 1250 square feet, and is designed to provide a well-crafted and energy-efficient home for a couple or a small family. The cottages have accomplished this in different ways; between them they include the following features: passive solar heating and cooling, well-insulated walls and roof (structural insulated panels/ blown cellulose), top energy efficient windows and appliances, insulating window shades, living roof, FSC-certified framing lumber, geothermal heating and cooling, grid-tied and grid-independent photovoltaic panels, solar hot water, masonry heater, oak and cherry trim from trees on the land, earth plaster and milk paint wall finishes, stained concrete slab floors, bamboo floors, fiber-cement composite siding and trim, roof water collection and landscaping with native plants. Integration of these features and "simple living" practices have resulted in these cottages being nearly zero-energy homes and a delight to live in.
The solar, straw-bale, year-round greenhouse and permaculture gardens demonstrate one approach to meeting the need for healthy, nourishing, locally grown food. The greenhouse incorporates stone, wood, and clay from the land.

October 26-28
Silent Retreat At Dayspring - The Ancient Paths; Where Wisdom Hides
Amidst the rush and confusion...something old and wise is trying to catch up with us. When the trouble becomes so profound that no amount of knowledge can provide a solution, it is wisdom that must be found... Wisdom involves hidden unities and uncommon knowledge. -- Michael Meade
Through myth and story, poetry and art, and soulful encounters with the natural world around us, we will seek the wisdom we need for guidance in the midst of our often harsh and challenging times.
Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. -- Jeremiah 6:16
Through myth and story, poetry and art, and soulful encounters with the natural world around us, we will seek the wisdom we need for guidance in the midst of our often harsh and challenging times.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner live and work in the Earth Ministry Center at Dayspring. For years they have offered retreats on thw wisdom to be found in contempolative encounters with nature and soul.
Retreat at Dayspring is a time to be silent and open to an encounter with God in the interior and exterior silence. We believe that our world provides too little time and space for reflection, prayer and contemplation. The silence of retreat is a gift we give ourselves and others who are with us. To learn more and to register contact dayspringretreat.org

More Past Events
Sunday, December 2 at 3 PM
Church of the Wild at Dayspring
Honoring the Darkness
As we approach the winter solstice, Church of the Wild will explore the spiritual and ecological importance of darkness. Diminishing light provides important signals to the natural world that it is time to stop, to rest and to recharge. While spiritual darkness can be extremely difficult, it can also offer important clues to us as we seek to go deeper with the Great Mystery.
Many faiths have traditions for holding and honoring the dark times as well as anticipating the inbreaking of light. During Advent, Christianity celebrates the Divine incarnation during a time of political and economic hardship. Together, we will explore what nature has to teach us about darkness and looking for light in the midst of it.
Church of the Wild DC MD VA:
Church of the Wild gathers together monthly to honor the mutual indwelling of the Divine with the Earth and all of its beings, remembering our sacred interconnection and interdependence through multi-traditional spiritual practices, music, and solo or group wanderings. As participants in the web of creation, we seek to be attentive to the Holy in our midst and invite one another to come home to the sacred ecological ground in which we live. This groundedness guides us to live from a place of deeper compassion, care, and gratitude for all living things.
VERY IMPORTANT -- please register (no cost) athttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/church-of-the-wild-honoring-the-darkness-tickets-52023336199
Friday, December 21 at 7:30 PM
Winter Solstice Ceremony
To mark the season's shift from increasing darkness to a time of more light, we'll be gathering at Dayspring Church for our fifth Winter Solstice Ceremony to express our gratitude for the Earth and all of creation. The ceremony will be on 12/21 (Friday) at 7:30 PM and will begin at the Farmhouse. This observance includes a short, meditative walk in silence to our Earth Vigil fire ring. As we gather around the fire, the ceremony will center on sharing the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.
All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Please come dressed for the weather and bring a flashlight. Questions or to let us know you'll be joining us? Please contact Jim Hall or Cheryl Hellner at jimhallmd@yahoo.com.
All are welcome to this family-friendly event. Please come dressed for the weather and bring a flashlight. Questions or to let us know you'll be joining us? Please contact Jim Hall or Cheryl Hellner at jimhallmd@yahoo.com.

Stories From Standing Rock
A Fireside Evening at the Dayspring Farmhouse
The water protectors there have stood in prayerful resistance for many months; hundreds have been arrested in acts of non-violent civil disobedience. Police and security guards have attacked them with dogs, mace, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Over time support has grown as they have been joined by over 200 tribes, indigenous people around the globe, environmentalists, and thousands of US military veterans.
Thursday evening, January 12, 2017 from 7 to 8pm
On this fireside evening Jim Hall will share stories from his recent visit to the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock and give an update on what is happening there now. There will be time for reflection, for questions, and for prayer.
In this time when hatred is so rampant around us, and in us as well, Jim was compelled to go and experience what is happening at Standing Rock first hand. A young man from the Sioux nation told him what he could do: amplify the message. So on this fireside evening he will bring that message to Dayspring.
On this fireside evening Jim Hall will share stories from his recent visit to the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock and give an update on what is happening there now. There will be time for reflection, for questions, and for prayer.
In this time when hatred is so rampant around us, and in us as well, Jim was compelled to go and experience what is happening at Standing Rock first hand. A young man from the Sioux nation told him what he could do: amplify the message. So on this fireside evening he will bring that message to Dayspring.
Reverend John Dear described what's happening at Standing Rock, calling it One of the finest non-violent movements in history.
The water protectors there have stood in prayerful resistance for many months; hundreds have been arrested in acts of non-violent civil disobedience. Police and security guards have attacked them with dogs, mace, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Over time support has grown as they have been joined by over 200 tribes, indigenous people around the globe, environmentalists, and thousands of US military veterans.
“Even if the pipeline goes through,” says Charles Eisenstein, “another kind of victory will be won; when we choose to love in the face of enormous temptation to hate, we are issuing a powerful prayer for a world of love. When thousands of people sacrifice their safety and comfort to protect the water, a powerful prayer issues from their gathering. Some day, in some form, it will be answered.”

Ancient Wisdom for Troubled Times: In The Presence of the Old Ones
September 15-17, 2017
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, West Virginia
I too was a stranger at first in this dark dripping forest perched at the edge of the sea, but I sought out an elder, my Sitka Spruce grandmother with a lap wide enough for many grandchildren. I introduced myself, told her my name and why I had come.
-- Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass
We live in a time of intense turmoil -- social, political, and planetary. But the deeper conflict is at the level of soul. We have lost the ancient wisdom of soul and nature, and so we have lost our way in the world. How can we recover this wisdom for our people?
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, West Virginia
I too was a stranger at first in this dark dripping forest perched at the edge of the sea, but I sought out an elder, my Sitka Spruce grandmother with a lap wide enough for many grandchildren. I introduced myself, told her my name and why I had come.
-- Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass
We live in a time of intense turmoil -- social, political, and planetary. But the deeper conflict is at the level of soul. We have lost the ancient wisdom of soul and nature, and so we have lost our way in the world. How can we recover this wisdom for our people?
In this retreat we return to ancient ways: through wandering on the land, ceremony and council, listening to dreams and stories, we will seek the wisdom of our Earth elders and our ancestors. May they grant us these gifts:
not only solace, but to be transformed
not only to dream, but to be dreamt
not only solace, but to be transformed
not only to dream, but to be dreamt
not to shape the natural world, but to let it shape us.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years.
This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins at 5 pm on Friday (people are encouraged to arrive between 3 and 4:30 to settle in gently) and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat is $280 and includes lodging, six meals, and program. Two people registering together and choosing to share a room may pay a reduced fee of $230 each. Camping further reduces fee to $210. Scholarships are available. Registration is limited to 12 people. For information and to register email lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com or visit www.rollingridge.net
Children of the Earth
Rolling Ridge annual retreat for children ages 4 - 6 and their families Friday, May 6 through Saturday, May 7, 2016 (Mother's Day Weekend)
In our grasshopper and salamander days, who among us didn't ask why the grasshopper could jump so far--or why the salamander had black dots on its orange body...We lived by wonder, for by wondering we were able to multiply a growing consciousness of being alive.
In our grasshopper and salamander days, who among us didn't ask why the grasshopper could jump so far--or why the salamander had black dots on its orange body...We lived by wonder, for by wondering we were able to multiply a growing consciousness of being alive.
This retreat is designed as an inter-generational experience of nature, including:
--Campfire stories and songs
--Nature arts and crafts
--Discovery hikes and nature play
--Stream strolls, tree hugs, and animal encounters
--Campfire stories and songs
--Nature arts and crafts
--Discovery hikes and nature play
--Stream strolls, tree hugs, and animal encounters
Richard Lewis,
Living by Wonder
Living by Wonder

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat has a seven-bedroom retreat house on 1400 acres of wilderness in the foothills of the Blue Ridge between the Shenandoah River and the Appalachian Trail. Deer, turtles, birds, frogs, butterflies, and grasshoppers call these hiking trails, woodlands, streams, waterfalls, and open meadow Home. (www.rollingridge.net)
Leaders: We share a passion for nurturing children's relationships with the land and all its' beings. Luke Bauer is a wild food forager, woods walker, certified permaculturist, and delighted dad of four-year-old Wren and one-and-a-half-year-old Gael. Linda DeGraf is an artist, storyteller, and educator with thirty years' early childhood teaching experience. Scot DeGraf brings a lifelong love of nature and extensive experience with outdoor education, hiking, camping, mountaineering, and birding. Cheryl Hellner has been guiding children and adults into rich experiences of nature, ceremony, art, and story for twenty years.

The retreat begins with dinner at 6:00 p.m. on Friday (arrive anytime after 4pm) and concludes with supper on Saturday. Delicious home-cooked meals provided. Overnight lodging will be in the Rolling Ridge retreat house or in the campground.
Fees: $145 for adult and child together in the retreat house
Fees: $145 for adult and child together in the retreat house
$130 for adult and child together in the campground
To register and for more information please contact Scot at 301-275-2009 - scotdegraf@gmail.com
or Linda at 301-789-9097 - lindajdegraf@gmail.com
or Linda at 301-789-9097 - lindajdegraf@gmail.com
Courting the Realm of Dream and Deep Imagination: Encounters with the Sacred in Nature and the Human Soul
September 16-18 at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center -- Leaders: Cheryl Hellner and Jim Hall
In the beginning was the dream. Throughthe dream all things were made, and withoutthe dream nothing was made that has been made.
-- Thomas Berry in The Dream of the Earth
-- Thomas Berry in The Dream of the Earth
Since ancient times the dream world has been understood to be a source of powerful messages, inspiration, and a pathway to wisdom and healing. Like everything around us, we humans were born from the dream world, from the heart of Divine mystery.
In this retreat we will explore three paths of return:
Today, entranced by rationality, efficiency, and our newfound technological powers, we've lost our connection to that mystical world and the treasure it holds. As a result, our Earth Home is in grave peril. The Earth cries out for our return to the world of the dream.
In this retreat we will explore three paths of return:
Opening more fully to our nighttime dreams through conversations with dream characters, through images and symbols we find or create, and through simple gestures and ceremonies.
Cultivating a dreamlike consciousness in the dayworld, walking into forest and creek valley, along ridge and river, paying exquisite attention to all of its enchantments and allurements.
Entering the dream of Mountain, Forest, Wind and Waterfall, asking what images, what songs, what words are rising up now from Earth's deep imagination, and asking what is our gift in response to this vast unfolding dream.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs with the Animas Valley Institute. They live and work at Dayspring, a 200 acre retreat center in Germantown, Maryland
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs with the Animas Valley Institute. They live and work at Dayspring, a 200 acre retreat center in Germantown, Maryland
This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins with supper at 7 pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat is $280 and includes lodging, six meals, and program. Two people registering together and choosing to share a room may pay a reduced fee of $230 each. Camping further reduces fee to $210. Scholarships are available. Registration is limited to 12 people. For information and to register email lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com or
Thriving on the Threshold: Becoming a Community of the New Story
Friday to Sunday, October 21-23 at Stillpoint Mountain Retreat near Harper's Ferry, WV
"You are in the time of the interim
Where everything seems withheld.
The path you took to get here has washed out.
The way forward is still concealed from you.
The old is not old enough to have died away.
The new is still too young to be born."
- John O'Donohue
We live on the threshold between two kinds of stories. The stories that have guided our civilization have led to great unraveling of the planet and of our culture. We long for a new story even as we notice signs of its quiet emergence. Many of us realize our personal stories are changing as well. In this difficult and uncertain time we wonder, where can we find a place of true connection and belonging?
On this retreat, we will align with the energies of this emerging new story and root into a deeper reality. We will awaken to the whole living world around us, in both its immense suffering and its generosity and beauty.We will take long, contemplative walks in the ridge and river landscape that is itself so much a threshold, a thin place, between our everyday world and the realm of nature and soul. We will let things happen to us, let words and gestures and dances and melodies come to us from the beings we encounter.
We will listen to the stories we tell each other of our journeys in this other world, live into ancient myths of mystery and wonder, and imagine bringing what we discover back into our everyday lives with family, friends and coworkers. We will become a community of the new story.
"We belong to this world. The web
of life is calling us forth at this time."
-- Joanna Macy
Retreat Leaders Julie Gabrielli and Jim Hall share a fascination with the power of story to heal, reconnect, and create our world. Experienced retreat leaders, they bring years of dedicated studentship and mentorship through the arts and outdoor exploration.
This retreat will be held at Still Point Mountain Retreat, on 1400 acres of sacred wilderness near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins with supper at 6 pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat, including lodging, meals and program, is $299 for single occupancy. Two people registering together and choosing to share a room may pay a reduced fee of $249 each. Camping further reduces fee to $229. To reserve your place, email Lindsay.rollingridge@gmail.com and send $50 deposit to Friends of Silence, 120 Jubilee Ln., Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. or call 304-724-1069.
All Creation Waits: The Beauty, Wisdom, and Mystery of the Season of Advent
Friday to Sunday, December 2-4 at Dayspring Silent Retreat
In these small days before the winter solstice we gather to immerse ourselves in the mystery and gift of darkness, of our nighttime dreams, of the season of Earth's deep resting. All around us creation waits as we long for the miracle of new beginnings.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner live and work at Dayspring. Through poetry, storytelling, and contemplative Earth-prayer practices, they invite us into an ever deepening communion with the Sacred Earth and the Divine Mystery at the heart of all being.
Retreat at Dayspring is a time to be silent and open to an encounter with God in the interior and exterior silence. We believe that our world provides too little time and space for reflection, prayer and contemplation. The silence of retreat is a gift we give ourselves and others who are with us. To learn more and to register contact dayspringretreat.org
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner live and work at Dayspring. Through poetry, storytelling, and contemplative Earth-prayer practices, they invite us into an ever deepening communion with the Sacred Earth and the Divine Mystery at the heart of all being.
Retreat at Dayspring is a time to be silent and open to an encounter with God in the interior and exterior silence. We believe that our world provides too little time and space for reflection, prayer and contemplation. The silence of retreat is a gift we give ourselves and others who are with us. To learn more and to register contact dayspringretreat.org
The Silence of the Stars: An Advent Retreat on the Beauty, Mystery and Power of Story
December 5-7, 2014 at Dayspring Silent Retreat
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner share a lifelong love of stories, especially those that inspire us to re-inhabit the depth of our souls and this wild and sacred Earth.
Retreat at Dayspring is a time to be silent and open to an encounter with God in the interior and exterior silence. We believe that our world provides too little time and space for reflection, prayer and contemplation. The silence of retreat is a gift we give ourselves and others who are with us. To learn more and to register contact dayspringretreat.org
Retreat at Dayspring is a time to be silent and open to an encounter with God in the interior and exterior silence. We believe that our world provides too little time and space for reflection, prayer and contemplation. The silence of retreat is a gift we give ourselves and others who are with us. To learn more and to register contact dayspringretreat.org
Sacred Fire: The Art of Creating Nature-Based Ritual and Ceremony
October 17-19, 2014 at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center
"As long as there is one to sing and one to dance,
one to speak and one to listen, life will go on.
— Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Onondaga Nation
To live in a sacred way is to live in a world where everything is alive, everything has soul, and everything speaks to us. Could it be that the deepest gift the human ones can give, at this moment in Earth's evolving life, is our gift for ritual and ceremony: our stories, our dances, our gestures, our songs?
In this retreat we will explore the art and practice of creating ritual and ceremony ? ceremonies to mark significant life passages, to honor our grief, to celebrate the seasonal gifts of creation, to pray for healing, and daily rituals to express our gratitude for the gift of life.
Much of our time will be spent outdoors:
- time alone wandering in the woods, creek valleys, and rocky places of this wild mountain land
- time together listening to the mystery and wisdom of our encounters with soul and nature.
This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a six bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. Rolling Ridge is accessible by car only. The retreat begins with supper at 7 pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat is $200 (lodging inside) or $150 (camping), six meals and program. Registration is limited to 16 people. To reserve your place, email lindsay@rollingridge.net and request an application to be returned with a $50 deposit. (More detailed instructions on how to prepare, and what to bring, will be mailed prior to the retreat.)
Restorying: Cultivating personal, cultural, and planetary stories for a new era
A weekend Retreat at Stillpoint Mountain Retreat near Rolling Ridge, WV September 12-14 (15), 2014
“It is all a question of story.
We are in trouble just now because we do
not have a good one.”
~ Thomas Berry
We have always lived by stories that told us how we got here, and what God and the Universe were up to. Today, the old stories have either been discarded or paint an incomplete or inaccurate picture of our world. The signs are everywhere as we struggle with economic havoc, social injustice, hunger, environmental degradation, violence, and depression.
In this retreat we explore this in-between realm -- letting go of old story, abiding in the unknowing, searching for hints and glimpses of emerging new story, and committing to live it. We cultivate a new story for ourselves as individuals and as a planet, exploring new messages that are germinating deep in our individual and collective consciousness.
We wander on the land by ourselves to listen to the stories that mountain and river, hawk and snake, and that ancient rocks and trees tell us, these guardians and guides to the wildness and imagination of the Earth. We explore the inner world of myth and archetype and nighttime dream, we journal and write of what we hear. We gather to listen to what we're learning, and for movement and ceremony.
Those who choose to stay on from Sunday to Monday noon will have an extended time, with additional guidance, to absorb what has been received over the weekend and to reflect on incorporating it into the life to which you return.
This retreat will be held at Still Point Mountain Retreat, a five-bedroom cabin in a secluded wilderness setting overlooking the Shenandoah River and valley. The retreat begins with supper at 6pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday or Monday. Fee for the retreat, including lodging, meals, and program is $210 to Sunday noon and $280 to Monday noon. Inquire about camping and scholarship options. This retreat, which was popular last year, has again filled, but there is a waiting list. email Lindsay@rollingridge.net to put your name on the waiting list and get an application form.
As Thomas Berry suggests, the task of our time is to discover and inhabit new story from the personal to the planetary level. A new story is waiting to be born, but has not yet emerged. We live in a time between stories.
In this retreat we explore this in-between realm -- letting go of old story, abiding in the unknowing, searching for hints and glimpses of emerging new story, and committing to live it. We cultivate a new story for ourselves as individuals and as a planet, exploring new messages that are germinating deep in our individual and collective consciousness.
We wander on the land by ourselves to listen to the stories that mountain and river, hawk and snake, and that ancient rocks and trees tell us, these guardians and guides to the wildness and imagination of the Earth. We explore the inner world of myth and archetype and nighttime dream, we journal and write of what we hear. We gather to listen to what we're learning, and for movement and ceremony.
Those who choose to stay on from Sunday to Monday noon will have an extended time, with additional guidance, to absorb what has been received over the weekend and to reflect on incorporating it into the life to which you return.
Retreat Leaders
Jim Hall, longtime member of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, lives at the Dayspring Retreat Center in suburban Washington, DC,where for the past 25 years he has been leading retreats, classes and outings on the land linking faith and ecology, and exploring ways of living more simply, justly and in harmony with the Earth. www.dayspringearthministry.org.
Julie Gabrielli explores ways to experience belonging and cultivate joy, creativity, and reverence. She designs buildings and places that marry the best of old and new traditions, and works with other media, including fiction and film, to listen for and tell the new stories that are emerging in our culture. www.gabriellidesign.com
Julie Gabrielli explores ways to experience belonging and cultivate joy, creativity, and reverence. She designs buildings and places that marry the best of old and new traditions, and works with other media, including fiction and film, to listen for and tell the new stories that are emerging in our culture. www.gabriellidesign.com
This retreat will be held at Still Point Mountain Retreat, a five-bedroom cabin in a secluded wilderness setting overlooking the Shenandoah River and valley. The retreat begins with supper at 6pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday or Monday. Fee for the retreat, including lodging, meals, and program is $210 to Sunday noon and $280 to Monday noon. Inquire about camping and scholarship options. This retreat, which was popular last year, has again filled, but there is a waiting list. email Lindsay@rollingridge.net to put your name on the waiting list and get an application form.
Casting Off From the Old World
A Retreat for Men at Stillpoint Mountain Retreat May 16-18 (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch)
Give up all the other worlds, except the one to which you belong
- David Whyte
We live in a time between stories. For many, our old stories that tell us who we are and what life and the world is about no longer serve us well. A new story is emerging, but is not yet here. We know it is time to let go of much from our past to fully enter the new. It is time to cast off.
One practice that can help us say "good-bye" to what life has been is the "death lodge," often part of the preparation for a vision quest. The main focus of this retreat will be a long solo time on the land. Once you find a place that draws you to do this work, you then build a little lodge. Lying in that lodge you will invite people and other beings and landscapes one by one from the past for a final visit and conversation.
In the death lodge we may say good-bye to what no longer serves us and our world -- ways of loving and hating, places of home, social roles that gave us pleasure and definition, organizations and institutions that shaped and limited our growth. As we say good-bye we express our gratitude, love, forgiveness, and grief to each. In addition to this prolonged solo time (fasting from midmorning Saturday, sleeping out overnight, to Sunday morning before breakfast), our time together will include ceremony, ritual, and council. Leader: Jim Hall, longtime member of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, lives at Dayspring Retreat Center where he and his wife try to live simple, soulful lives in communion with the rest of creation. In recent years they have been exploring the world of nature and soul with Bill Plotkin and other guides in programs of the Animas Valley Institute.
For more information contact Bob Sabath at bsabath@rollingridge.net or 202.531.7572. Cost of the retreat is $150, scholarships available, and includes food, lodging, and retreat materials. Registration is limited to 16 people. To register, send $50 to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community, 120 Jubilee Lane, Harpers Ferry WV 25425 and mark the check for "Casting Off."
Voices in the Wilderness of Soul
Encounters with the Sacred in Nature and the Human Soul
At Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center
September 28-30. 2012 (Friday dinner - Sunday lunch)
Behold, I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her -- Hosea 2:14
So I returned to the river, I returned to the mountains, and I asked for their hand in marriage.
I begged, I begged to wed every object and every creature. And when they accepted, God was ever present in my arms. -- Meister Eckhert
Listen! A wild and tender voice is calling you! Beyond the world of being always busy, there is another world. We enter that world when we step over the threshold into the world of nature and soul -- a world filled with mystery, enchantment, wisdom, and romance. In this world we seek a rendezvous with the wild and tender One who awaits us in the forest, by the river, on the mountain.
On this retreat we will wander, as each one is led, in search of a waiting lover. We will listen for the tender voices of the Sacred in every object, in every creature, summoning us to conversation, to encounter, to romance. We will let these voices stir up our inner world of image and dream, symbol and soul.
What poetry will flow from our fingers? What songs will emerge from our throats? What dreams will this romance with Earth evoke in us? What surprises lurk in the shadows?
When we return from our wandering we will gather together in sacred ceremony to share our stories, poems, songs, and dreams.
Leaders: Cheryl Hellner and Jim Hall, longtime members of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, live at Dayspring Retreat Center where they try to live simple, soulful lives in communion with the rest of creation. In recent years they have been exploring the world of nature and soul with Bill Plotkin and other guides in programs of the Animas Valley Institute.
A Room for the Holy: Soul Encounter Through Sacred Story and the Sacred Earth
Seekers Church, Takoma Park, Maryland
Tuesday nights, Sept. 13 - Oct. l8, 2011
There are undiscovered presences, beauty, wisdoms within the natural world and within each of us. If we give ourselves wholly to them. . .they will one day come forth
--Mary Southard, CSJ
Throughout the Bible, we hear stories of people who met the holy One in the wild landscapes around them and in the deepest landscapes of soul within. Wisdom traditions throughout the world agree that there is no greater blessing than to live the life of one's own authentic soul.
Jesus invited his followers into unfamiliar and mysterious territory beyond the bounds of conventional religion. He sought to lead them into encounters with soul, that vital center of holy love that holds the key to our life's purpose and meaning, and the gift that is ours alone to give to the world. It is not an easy journey. But what greater adventure could there be?
In this series of six evening sessions, we will journey together into the wild country of soul. We will listen again to stories of soul encounter:
--Jacob and his dream ladder
--Abraham, Sarah and the three travelers
--Elijah in the mountain cave
--The disciples on a night sea journey of wind and wave
--Lazarus in the tomb
--Jesus' soul quest, forty days and forty nights, in the wilderness
We will respond to these stories through:
--ritual and ceremony (some of these will be held outdoors)
--symbol and art
--honoring the mystery in our dreams
--the art and practice of wandering in nature
--the search for a landscape that mirrors the soul
--an encounter with our own death and the gifts that such an encounter holds for our life
These sessions are not a "class" in the usual sense. There will be only short readings and very little "discussion."
There will be "assignments" for you to do in-between our sessions; a series of guided exercises in listening for soul. Many of these will be done out in nature. We ask that you record your experiences each week in your journal.
Then, each time we come together, we will seek to create a "room for the holy"-- a place where we welcome and invite the shy soul to speak and a place where we listen with the ear of our hearts.
There will be a day retreat at Dayspring on a Saturday -- October 8 -- where we will have an opportunity to spend extended time in this wild landscape
--Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, Dayspring Earth Ministry
(Photo: "Sweet Dreaming" by Richard Hamilton Smith redoakcards.com)